About The Anchor School

At The Anchor School, we nurture the development of the whole child in an equitable learning environment. To us, equity means that every learner, including English learners, students with disabilities, and students at risk of academic failure, receives the supports required to be successful and have an equal opportunity to thrive. We accomplish educational equity as teachers use cultural knowledge, prior experience, frames of reference, and understanding of students’ individual learning styles to make our rigorous, standards-aligned curriculum relevant to their daily lives. Outcomes are not pre-determined by race, socioeconomic status, trauma, or other factors. We believe that if we create a healing learning environment that simultaneously empowers children to use their knowledge and skills to practice addressing systems of oppression and helps them to cultivate their mindset to fight for justice, they will be the leaders who create a free and equitable world.

The Anchor School mission is to ensure that our students are Introspective Healers, Gracious Contributors, Intellectually Powerful, and Conscious Justice Warriors who will build and reflect on their social and emotional skills, continuously give back to their community, and continue the revolutionary fight for a just, free, and equitable world.

Through daily rigorous Instruction and alternative methods for behavior intervention, The Anchor School dedicates itself to develop students academically, socially, physically, emotionally, and culturally into literate, motivated and independent-thinking problem solvers who are responsible, self-aware, kind, and empathetic citizens that maintain a healthy and productive lifestyle and respect cultural diversity, opinions, others, and self.

The Anchor School theory of change is that by providing a strong academic foundation, removal of suspensions by implementing sustainable solutions and providing teachers, administrators, and students support through consistent and individualized professional development aligned to our anchors will lead to raised test scores, higher academic growth, reduction of suspensions, and a healthier school climate and culture. The success of The Anchor School will ensure that every young person finishes middle school prepared academically, socially, and emotionally, the sustainability of teachers and administrators increases and will be a catalyst for change for other school districts to find new ways to support students who are not succeeding in their current school settings.